This image is the one original and one appropriated. They can be seen separately below. It is intended to replicate a bush or a tree. The original image is the portrait and the appropriated image is the leaves. A huge aspect of curly hair is the dimension, so it was important to not only blend the leaves to look seamless but also make sure the true texture of the curly hair comes through. One small detail is that the leaves are pulled up more towards the front of the head to indicate that the hair is being picked.

Original Portrait
Original Portrait
Appropriated Image
Appropriated Image

This image is two original photos. They can be seen separately below. This image is entirely based around flowers. When beginning work I decided I did not like the brick background. Instead of re-shooting I thought it might be interesting to surround her in the flowers. My two other photos in this series have very minimal backgrounds so I wanted at least one that had a background that was more intricate, specifically to be viewed in between the minimal shots. I also purposely had my model hold her hair pick that had the Black Power fist on the top since the entire series is centered on Black hair.

Original Image
Original Image
Original Image
Original Image

This image is two appropriated photos. They can be seen separately below. When beginning this image I initially wanted to put clouds in his hair. However, in my search for a tree for my first portrait I scrolled past this palm tree many times. I ignored it but my mind kept thinking back to it and I was too drawn to it to pass it up. I decided to use a palm tree for a front facing portrait because I immediately saw the shape of the afro in the tree. Once putting the tree into his hair, I realized that the tree emphasized how uneven his afro was, the left side being more rounded. So I copy and pasted his hair and reflected it to give his hair an overall more rounder shape. This is also another instance where I made sure to maintain the dimension that curly hair has and let his texture show through.

Appropriated Image
Appropriated Image
Appropriated Portrait
Appropriated Portrait

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