The Pink Triangle: LGBTQ+ Community Center
The mission of the LGBTQ+ community center is to provide a variety of quality programs, activities and facilities as well as providing opportunities to experience activities that broaden knowledge, enhance self esteem, promote healthy relationships and strengthen commitments to the community. The LGBTQ+ community is made up of a myriad of individuals and is a community that has been discriminated against in the past as well as in the present. With this in mind, the center will create positive experiences by providing both recreational programs and leisure activities that fulfill the needs of the community and create lasting memories for generations to come. Concept Statement: During the holocaust, concentration camp prisoners were classified by a set of colored triangles; pink was reserved for homosexuals (now an outdated term). When liberation came in the mid-1940’s, most of the survivors were set free. Homosexuals, however, were taken by U.S. Army personnel from concentration camps to allied prisons. Since the 1940’s, the upside down pink triangle has become one of the most recognizable and powerful symbols for gay people and the oppression they have faced throughout Western History. The pink triangle was a commonly used sign or badge throughout the early gay liberation movements and it is a reminder of the history and struggle and is often accompanied by the statement, “Never again!”